The appearance of white balls in the throat and bad breath is a sign of…see more

Tonsil stones are a fairly common ailment that don’t usually pose serious health risks. But they can be burdensome to deal with.

Tonsil stones, also called tonsilloliths or tonsilliths, are growths that can form on the tonsils. These bumps can range in size from a grain of rice to a grape. In rare cases, tonsil stones can be large enough to interfere with swallowing or breathing, says Aaron Thatcher, MD, clinical assistant professor with the department of otolaryngology at the University of Michigan Medicine in Ann Arbor.

They may also be so small or embedded so deeply in the tissue of the tonsils that they are not visible. They can be squishy or hard and are typically pale-yellow in color. (1,2)

While tonsil stones may be troublesome, they are generally not harmful. And they are not a sign of cancer or another illness

“I see it fairly regularly,” says Jennifer Setlur, MD, an otolaryngologist at Massachusetts Eye and Ear in Boston. “It doesn’t generally lead to negative outcomes.”

Tonsil Stones Form When Bacteria, Food Particles, or Other Debris Get Trapped in Your Tonsils


Tonsils are the oval-shaped pads in the back of the throat. They are a part of the body’s immune system, and produce white blood cells and antibodies; they act like guards, helping to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the body through the mouth. (1,2)

Part of the reason tonsil stones form has to do with the structure of one’s tonsils. Some people have tonsils that are characterized by deep pits and craters, commonly referred to as “crypts.” Tonsil stones can develop in these cavities when bacteria, food particles, saliva, mucus, and other debris build up and get trapped. “This material builds up because the crypts have a vase shape,” says Dr. Thatcher. “It lets food in and enables it to stay.” (1,2) Some researchers have described the formation of tonsil stones as similar to the formation of plaque on our teeth.

Tonsil Stones Are Not Necessarily Caused by Poor Oral Hygiene, but Practicing Good Care Can Help

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