A baby is born half pig, half human, manages to survive… See more

It’s no secret that there are tons of fake news stories doing the rounds on the internet and on social media. More often than not, I’m always the one getting caught clicking on these stories, which seem to be so true.

This particular story completely caught me off guard, especially since we’ve been talking about weird creatures found across the world over the past few weeks. I didn’t think twice in believing it to be true. However, when I did find out it was a hoax, I must admit that I was relieved, since it was so bizarre.

Read: Half-rat, half-worm creature found crawling on woman’s porch

According to Indian Express, a story about a pig-human baby trended early this year and made the rounds with many believing that a pig gave birth to a human-like baby.

Reports indicated that the ‘baby’ was found in Kenya, only now to be revealed that instead, it was not a ‘baby’, but rather a very realistic-looking creature made by an Italian artist.

I must be honest, I have not seen something as terrifying as this before. With its hybrid features, long nails, and weird-looking skin, you can’t help but stare at it without looking away.

Also read: Mutant piglet with humanlike features found in China

To all those who spread this story hoping it was true, sorry for you. It’s just another case of fake news. My rule is simple: if you can’t verify the source, rather not share it. People on social media are very gullible, as was the instance in this case.

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